Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Metamorphosis Animation

P1T8 Metamorphosis from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Hey guys I'm back, front, side to side... Okay well, that was lame but I'm here to tell you about our NEW project. Since we just finished our Low Poly thank the lord I cannot see another triangle without being put in a bad mood, anyways. Our new project is a Metamorphosis Animation, Mr. Sanderl hasn't done this project in 4 years and now he's bringing it up. So our goal is to make an object or a thing turn to something else while the story delivers a message. Say, one of our ideas is "Butter Finds Fly" and the concept is that the Butter and Fly want to turn to a butterfly and in order to do that they need each other. They travel round to find each other, even through the obstacles in their way they still manage to find each other and they both morph to a butterfly. That whole story is interesting and has a message, well, so I think so. Goal one is to morph your character, goal two is the story shall deliver a message and goal three is that you should use more than 2 animation types. Speaking of animation types, there is a variety of animation you can use. Such as claymation, 3D Animation, Flip Book (honestly that's the coolest and more time consuming), Stop Motion or Motion Graphics. We only have done Photoshop animation, stykz and stop motion, I think we're going to use all three and maybe flip book animation because I want to try something new.

Our focus statement is Butter Finds Fly, if you guys don't get it. It's basically a Butter and Fly morphing together to make a butterfly. In the beginning a fly living in a dump sees its unique friends playing and wants to be different. He sees a big hill and is curious about what is on the other side. In the process of getting the the other side the Fly experiences tough challenges such as strong wind and humans trying to hit it away. In the middle a Butter is sitting around just chilling, hears a noise and gets up to sees a butterfly flying overhead. Butter is inspired and wants to be a butterfly too. Starts walking up this big hill to find a fly so it can turn to a butterfly. In the course of walking up the hill, it suffers from melting bit by bit and animals trying to get a taste of it. In the end the Fly and Butter finally get to the top of the hill. They encounter each other and decide to morph into a butterfly. They touch hands and instantly turn into butter with wings. They didn’t transform quite the way they pictured it but they still accepted the way they are because they are unique and one of a kind. We have 6 scenes all together, one the first scene it's the introduction of the fly. Then the second scene is about the Fly flying away from the dumpster to be unique like his friends. The third scene is the introduction of the Butter. The fourth scene is the Butter jumping out the window to explore the world. Then on the fifth scene, the Fly and Butter meets each other on the top of the hill and last is when they morph into a special butterfly.

We critiqued all our animation yesterday and we got our results. I think we do deserve the grade we got, animation is very hard and whether our quality of work is bad or not, I still think it’s okay. Although, I wish we had more time to animate to produce more of a high quality work. Overall, I’m glad of how ours turned out, I spent a lot of time doing this animation so I HOPE that we will get an A. If you round it, overall we got a 3.5 that would be a 4 and would be an A right? Left.


  1. I loved your animation, the characters looked great and the idea was very creative.
    It was a little hard to understand what the butter was saying in one of the scenes.
    Overall, great story, and you guys did a great job editing.

  2. Hi Kyla! I like how you put your animated character into real life ( It looks really awesome! )

    1. Thank you! Animating is really hard, we tried.

  3. Great job, the end was really funny and I liked how the butter and the fly met and turned into a "Butterfly."

    1. It looked way better in our heads but we tried :)

  4. Your team's animation looks great! I love how you guys put the animated character with the real life visuals, it looks really cool!

    1. Right back at you! In my opinion, yours is the great one!

  5. Your team's animation looks great! I love how you guys put the animated character with the real life visuals, it looks really cool!

  6. Great animation! I really liked how your animation had animated characters combined with real life visuals, it looked awesome.

  7. Good job on your animation it was really creative and funny. I liked how you changed the voices of the characters to go more high pitched in some shots, it was good!

  8. Your animation was cool and funny. I like how you combined 2 different things and put them together.
