Friday, September 18, 2015

Comedy Writing

Sense of humor is an important character trait because it expresses and reveals who you truly are. By laughing hysterically and making non-sense jokes reveals part of you. Your shy self if you are, becomes shameless and their creativity takes place. Positive emotions are coming out of you and everybody likes that, it makes them feel a sense of satisfaction in their lives. You have a good laugh a day and you'll remember it for the rest of the day and this will make you smile.

To write a humorous narrative follow these 5 tips. First, think about and consider something that you think your audience will laugh at. Remember to connect to your audience and tell a joke that'll make your audience laugh and not only what you think. Second, think about current events because those events can make an excellent joke material that you never knew would. Third, watch out on making any controversial topics that might hurt somebody's feelings without you knowing. Fourth, try figuring out what kind of joke structure you want. For example a one liner punchline, remember that less words on describing your joke. If you write a whole story, that will bore your audience on how long it takes until you get to the joke. Fifth, add some sarcasm and exaggerate some words, this way you are enhancing your joke. After all that, if you think that you have a good joke, practice your joke to a friend before telling an audience. Other peoples opinion on your joke will help you so you can revise it till' its great.

My comedic monologue is about homework and originally got the idea from Mr. Sanderl. It's pure sarcasm and won't offend anybody. In my opinion, my comedic monologue is funny because we have our point of views with homework and if you add sarcasm to it, it'll make it funny. Sarcasm makes everything funny and that's why I used that technique. Here's my joke, "Homework, the BEST thing you'll ever get from school! Just spend 8 hours in school and another additional hours doing homework is the bestIf you don't turn it on time, OF COURSE you're not going to get a bad grade. Just a few warnings and a few calls home, but that's not a BIG deal. Maybe just a few "You can't do this" and "start doing this" on your everyday basis. Just to get you started on your LOVELY homework. EVERYBODY looks forward on having homework over the weeken because isn't it the best!? I can't wait to see another lovely pile of homework to do, just GREAT I LOVE it SO MUCH!"

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Motivational Poster

In our new project called Motivational Poster we require 2 text layers, 4 images, kerning, triadic color scheme, visual balance, blending options, personal quotes and our manifesto that we made in our previous blog post. The two text layers are personal and manifesto and the 4 images is our symbols and a portrait picture of us. Kerning is required because there shall be no empty space and the whole entire page should be filled with words filled with our personal quotes and manifesto.

I made my Motivational Poster by having all the things I need like my manifesto and personal quotes. First I created a text box for both of my text layers. Then I left aligned my text so it's easier to create a box, I used the kerning tools to do so. After that, I added my symbolic images and a portrait picture to create my background. Next I started to add my triadic color scheme, adjusted my colors to match my background. It wasn't that hard to do as kerning. After that I adjusted my background by going to Layers> Layer Adjustment and adding color balance to match my text layers. I also added curves but I don't think that's a must. After that I just saved it to a JPEG and turned it in on time.

The biggest challenge I faced and mostly everyone is kerning. Trying to fit everything without any space is just hard. At first I thought that I wasn't going to fit everything together but I did and it only took about a week or less. How I would improve my kerning is just adjusting my text size so it's easier to fit everything together and it doesn't take that much time to try and fit small texts throughout the page. I also think that if I hadn't gotten that much words and could've just had little text so I only had to adjust the text size and fill the page completely easier than the hard way I took.