Friday, February 20, 2015

Double Exposed Portraits

Portrait Photography is a picture of a person or two and the picture expresses the person's feelings, mood, and personality. The main focus is the person's face, the body and background may be concluded with the image. Portrait Photography could relate to a profile view and silhouette because they do something with the person's face. Profile is an outline of the person's image and silhouette is an image of a person or an animal that is black and outlined black which make the whole image black. We will use the outline of our face and blend in pictures within our faces to make it look amazing.

Double exposures are created in Photoshop by following these steps. Step 1-9, this will help you learn how to make a double exposure image in Photoshop. To get your images in Photoshop you have to go to: File>Script>Load Files Into Stacks>Browse>Take your three images>Start. If you are a person that likes photos that are blended into each other then you'll want a double exposure image. It combines 2 images that symbolizes you and the side of your face, and from there your going to blend them together to make a double exposure image.

My symbols are parts of nature, this represents me because I love nature. I have a flower and a t-leaf flower. It's very unique and there's a lot of things to explore, and that's what symbolizes me. My quality could improve if I would've took a picture of the sunset or something like that about the sky. Although, there's only a few things I can take a picture of around my house, so it's limited. Also, I would've improved if my portrait picture shows more of my face and not that much of my hair, because my hair takes up three fourths of he space on my face. That's it for now, and keep in touch because we have more blogs to post.


  1. Great placement.
    Your back looks cut off.
    Great symbols.

  2. I can REALLY clearly see the symbols.
    Almost TOO clearly...
    AMAZIN profile.

  3. Both pics are clear
    Back is cut off
    Great overall

  4. I can clearly see two symbols.
    Great photos!
    I like how clear and vibrant your photos are.

  5. I think you blended your symbols very well.
    I think you have found better symbols.
    I can clearly see your symbols.

  6. Great Adjustment Layers.
    Back is Cut-off
    Overall, Great

  7. Good profile. really good.
    I can't see the ti leaf.
    Pretty pictures.

  8. Amazing Profile
    Can't really see the your back

  9. I can see the two images clearly
    There is a dark stripe going across your neck
    I like the vibrance in the colors

  10. I really like how it represents you
    You could have done better on the photos
    And I really like how it has bright colors

  11. Nice profile
    It's dark
    Like your symbols

  12. I like the colours
    you look kinda blurry
    I like your adjustment layer

  13. Nice colors
    Its a little hard to see the 2nd symbol
    Very beautiful symbols

  14. I can definitely see your tea leaf flower!
    But your other symbol is hard to see. Work on it.
    I love the placement of your tea leaf.

  15. I can see the symbols clearly
    I cant really see the other follower
    i really like the placement of one of the flower

  16. Symbols are clearly shown
    One of the images are a little hard to see
    Nice images to represent yourself

  17. Cool flower
    Hard to see the images
    Overall great

  18. I think you blended your symbols very well.
    But the symbols are pretty much the same thing.
    I can clearly see your symbols.

  19. Nice photos
    I cant see both photos
    REally pretty

  20. I love the colors
    Cant see the other flower
    Great overall

  21. Nice symbols
    I can't see the bottom one.
    Very nice colors

  22. Good profile. really good.
    I can't see the ti leaf.
    Pretty pictures.

  23. Amazing colors!
    In the profile shot I can barely see your face.
    Great background shots!
